Thursday 7 April 2011

Textures Of Green

A successful night done for the Brighton food festival and pushed the dream forward for a monthly shindig.

This is one of the many parts of my job that I love. The thought, research and effort put into this one night of new and forward cooking that people could love or slate.

It is a scary time for a chef standing at the helm just before service starts. Some people running late, you feel like anything could go wrong and then "what if they don't like it" pops in to your head. The adrenaline and stress was all worth it.

I tried to keep the menu hush hush just for the surprise element.  It is amazing that people came to eat through the curiosity of what could be done with green textures.

When I first started the menu all I could think of was how many textures I could incorporate per course and still make sense. Solid, liquid, frozen, hot, powder, dried, foam, jelly and so on.

I didn't just see the green as a colour but also the ethos- sustainable, organic, wild. There was also the thought of going over board on the combinations, so with comfort in mind and a little thought i did this.

Textures Of Green

Tasting Menu - April 4th 2011 

New season peashoot, bacon, rocket  
Cured seabass, gravalax jelly, mustard, bread
Golden Cross goats cheese, salsa verde,
smoked tomato, pickled fennel
Court Gardens Farm assiette of lamb
spinach, wild garlic, minted new potatoes
Sussex rhubarb & custard
Apple, olive oil, coriander

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