Thursday 11 November 2010

Blow torched loin of South Brockwells Venison

Chefs Friend

Blow torch with Fir twigs for flavour
Plated dish
Photographs by Carla Grassy

Blow torched loin of South Brockwells Venison with celeriac & parsnip puree, Foraged wild ceps & a Douglas Fir & juniper shot.


serves 4

800g Venison loin trimmed – oiled, seasoned and vacuum packed
Douglas Fir twigs to finish

Sous vide venison @ 64% for 12 – 15 minutes depending on thickness.
Remove from water bath & vac pack – place on top of the fir twigs – blowtorch all over to caramelize – twigs will smoke adding flavour. Slice diagonally – 200g per person.

Celeriac & parsnip puree

2 medium parsnips – peeled / diced
1 small celeriac – peeled / diced
Cream to cover
Truffle oil to finish

Add diced parsnips & celeriac to a pan, cover with cream – cook out – puree – season, add splash truffle oil to taste.

Foraged wild ceps

2 good sized ceps

Slice into good size chunks. Sauté in butter till softened.


1 pint of game stock
Redcurrant jelly
Sea buckthorn berries

Reduce stock to 1/4, stir through redcurrant jelly – add buckthorn berries.

Douglas Fir & Juniper shot

1 shot Douglas Fir syrup (see below)
1 shot Hendricks Gin
4 crushed juniper berries
1 small bottle tonic

Mix in cocktail shaker with ice – strain into glass – serve on the side.

Plate & serve as photo above.

(Douglas fir sugar syrup
200g douglas fir needles, 500ml water, 100g sugar – dissolve sugar in water bring to the boil add douglas fir needles – simmer – bottle allow to cool and infuse for at least24 hours – pass through muslin – reserve)

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