Tuesday 29 November 2011

Textures of pear with parsnip and vanilla

The combination of pear and parsnip works really well together in savoury dishes like pork or pheasant, also works well in desserts like I did on Best Dish.

I'm really in to maximizing and emphasising the taste and textures of a single ingredient at the moment and with the pear I did fluid gel, poached, compressed, crisp, sorbet and the forgotten jelly.

The jelly was a thin sheet that I had cut in rounds and piped in fluid gel and parsnip puree and folded the jelly like a half moon, ravioli almost.

The microwave cake was amazing. I had read a few things on the internet a while back about this method. I found that the consistency of the mix was very important before you put it in the isi whipper. The result was great and I think there are so many other things that could be done with it.

I also made a vanilla dressing using chardonnay vinegar, stock syrup, vanilla and olive oil to give it a bit of a fresh zing.

This is the dish:

Here's a link to the recipe & episode.

